Thursday, March 26, 2020

Does This Chemistry Workbook Really Work?

Does This Chemistry Workbook Really Work?A UCF freshman chemistry tutor workbook is basically a collection of notes for students to do when learning chemistry, and it does so very well. This makes them very valuable for the many freshmen chemistry courses at many colleges. In order to help you decide whether or not they're right for you, here are some of the things you'll find inside.First of all, this notebook has a big array of topics covered. The vast majority of chemistry classes have more than one lesson, and this workbook features very short note notes. Since you'll probably need plenty of these notes for your freshmen chemistry course, you'll find that most of the content in the book will be useful. It's important to note that this book is not set up for a more intensive Chemistry course than what you'll likely have, but that is not to say that it won't get you through the basics very quickly.Next, the text inside of this workbook is designed to help you understand and learn c hemistry, as you may be about to take a freshman chemistry course. It doesn't just contain the latest exam questions, but rather provides practical information that you'll want to keep on hand in case you have a question. For students who are trying to study the 'off-the-cuff' way, this text is invaluable. If you're more in the 'formal' type, you may want to look elsewhere.Next, the pages within the workbook are formatted with basic topics that are commonly used for a freshmen chemistry course. For example, in one chapter you'll find everything from what solvents to use, to explaining the elements, and to what science is. These topics, among others, will provide useful tips and hints that will help you learn the material quicker. The pre-linking system found in the workbook is a great way to make sure that everything you read is organized properly. You'll find the links to explain each section at the bottom of each page, and this makes it easier to get back to any text later.The las t thing you should look for when looking at a UCF chemistry tutor workbook is the review section. This is where you'll find links to workbooks from other instructors that might be useful for a semester or two before you start taking real chemistry classes. You'll find information such as how long it takes to learn the material, and what subjects are best to pick up, and this is a great way to pick up topics for an upcoming sophomore chemistry course.Lastly, check out how you can download your UCF chemistry tutor workbook to use as you want. Many of these workbooks can be shared with your friends and co-workers, and you'll find that these make great gifts for parties and holidays. You can get the book to share with your friends and loved ones, then download and read it whenever you want.Overall, the materials inside of a chemistry tutor workbook are quite valuable. These materials can help you learn chemistry faster and make your job a lot easier for those who will be taking a freshm an chemistry course.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Watercolour Painting Tutorials and Resources

Watercolour Painting Tutorials and Resources How to Find Resources and Tutorials to Guide Your Watercolour Painting ChaptersThe Best Books to Learn Watercolour PaintingLearn Painting from TelevisionOther Online Offerings to Learn How to PaintIt’s never easy, learning something new.If one decides to take a class to learn watercolour painting, there is the usual stress of competition â€" is everyone else better at it than I am? The usual sizing up tinged by a bit of social anxiety, the approval-seeking...And then, there’s the small matter of timing: what if you don’t have time for any classes?For these reasons and more, many people intent on personal growth, those who hold firmly to the idea that learning new skills is an art form of itself have gotten into the habit of rooting out resources â€" online, at the library and through other like-minded people.That’s probably how you ran across this article!As it turns out, Superprof has dedicated itself to your pursuit of knowledge by providing tutors and informative articles on how to do/learn/master/achieve... in this case, how to paint with wa tercolours.We now look at the best resources available to you in print and on television; in video format and online. FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Best Books to Learn Watercolour Painting Don't discount books as a means of learning about watercolor paint! Image by Myriam Zilles from PixabayBooks have long been our go-to source for new knowledge.There is a good reason for that: they are a source of information that we can return to again and again. They provide us with an arc of understanding â€" from the inception of the subject in question to its current state.Sometimes books draw on the past and then progress through to the present and project the future; other times they function as an instruction manual; the perfect ‘how-to’, complete with margins for you to make notes in.Because watercolour painting relies so much on traditional techniques (as opposed to relying on digital art creation tools), it is important to master every step of the processes involved in painting with watercolours.You can learn everything about watercolour painting from books, beginning with colour theory to mixing paints in the proper ratios to attain a specific shade or tone.These are j ust a few of the best books for learning how to paint with watercolours.The Watercolour Course You’ve Always WantedWhile some might believe that oil painting and acrylic painting are the more rigorous media, mastering watercolours is actually more difficult than either of those two.That is why this talented watercolor artist/author has put this book together; it is a standout among ‘how to’ tomes because it touches equally on theory and on practice.Among other aspects of the art, you will learn to interpret lines and shapes, work from photographs or a live model, and fundamental techniques often used in watercolour painting, such as the dry brush method, the wet-on-wet method and more.Leslie Frontz has been painting for more than 40 years. In this book, she brings her considerable experience to bear on different theories and practices of painting with watercolours.It is available at your favourite bookseller or on Amazon for just over £20.Watercolor SchoolUnlike van Gogh, not everyone has a deep, instinctual feel for painting.For most of us, going from vision to conceptualising to completion is a journey fraught with equal parts of frustration and elation. In such cases, it is really helpful to have a way of balancing those two extremes.Hazel Harrison, author and painter, firmly believes in planning: from laying out the necessary paints and supplies to initial sketching, and on to finished work.What’s so great about this tome is that is consists of both theory and practice. Hazel packs the book full of exercises for you to do; they fairly demand that you learn proper watercolor techniques before you can move ahead.But don’t worry; the tone this text takes is patient and supportive. Before you know it, you too will plan your work from start to finish in such a way that executing it will happen as if by magic.This book is a bit dated but is still one of the best on the market (it is also available on Amazon for about £14).Everyday WatercolorIf you kn ow absolutely nothing about painting, even if you don’t know oil paints from acrylics â€" let alone water colors from gouache, this is the book for you.Jenna Rainey takes you by the hand in this well-assembled manual which is divided into five different segments. Each one covers a specific area of painting: lighting, forms, complex shapes such as the human figure...Towards the end, everything gets neatly connected through a series of exercises. You’ll be amazed to find yourself no longer struggling to paint credible-looking flowers; indeed, you’ll be onto landscape painting before you know it.Ms Rainey is one of the freshest voices in watercolour. Not only does she write books but she teaches painting techniques in her native California city and hosts a tutorial channel on YouTube for those who want to learn to paint.Other great books to learn watercolours from include:Modern Watercolor by Kristen van LeuvenTen Minute Watercolor by Hazel Soan (yes, the one that presents on the telly!)Watercolor 365: Daily Tips, Tricks and Techniques by Leslie RedheadWorld of Watercolor by Jean HainesThe Tao of Watercolor by Jean CarbonettiMastering Watercolors: a Practical Guide by Joe CartwrightWe would love to review them all but we still have to tell you about other resources available to aspiring painters. You should have quality watercolor paper to render the perfect landscape painting Image by Ulrike Mai from PixabayLearn Painting from TelevisionOccasionally, a local television station will host a series of shows in which an artist demonstrates how to paint; the BBC did such a show a couple of years ago.Although such a show may be on locally, none are currently available nationally but several online television channels are dedicated to helping you learn how to is a prime example of this type of offering.Artist Matthew Palmer has organised his web page to make it easy for the absolute beginner at watercolor painting to find their way around: simply click on the ‘absolute beginner’ tab and enjoy the collection of videos meant especially for you.You may also choose to mark your calendar for his real-time workshops and painting demonstrations or paint along with him as he instructs on how to perfectly depict a mountain sunset or a winter landscape.Winter landsca pes can be especially tricky because of all of the white involved â€" what a great opportunity to practise using masking fluid!The best part of these on-demand video lessons is that you can pause them, rewind and rewatch as needed, something you can’t necessarily do with an ordinary broadcast from the telly.Another great channel is SAA, formerly ‘the Painting and Drawing Channel’; their video-on-demand page lists more than 500 step-by-step instructional videos by member artists.Whether you’re having trouble mixing the perfect blend of colours to achieve that burnt sienna for your autumn landscape or simply cannot get the hang of painting flowers, the artists at SAA will have you covered.Both of these television sites charge a monthly membership fee but you may check them out for 30 days at no cost.  For those serious about learning how to paint with watercolours, that would be a hard-to-beat offer!Other Online Offerings to Learn How to PaintNot surprisingly, online televisio n channels are not the only way you enter the world of watercolour painting.Besides viewing some artists’ Instagram pages and marvelling over their skills, you could listen in as watercolour painters discuss their favourite painting technique, join in discussions on select forums and boards and benefit from video tutorials.Among the wealth of such we found are:PodcastsI Like Your Work: conversations with artists, gallery owners and curatorsColin Bradley Art Cast: a father-and-son team of watercolour artists answer your questionsSketching Stuff: watercolour artist Charlie O’Shields hosts a podcast and runs a message boardThe Left-Brain Artist: if you aspire to one day make your living as an artist, this podcast is the one to listen to!You might find it odd to listen to podcasts when watercolour painting is obviously a visual art.Think about this: all of the time you spend behind the wheel of your car, longing to hold a brush, you could be getting in touch with your inner artist.Y ou can even listen to podcasts as you paint. If you have no time for classes, you can learn painting with watercolor with online resources Image by Orna Wachman from PixabayBlogsQuite a few ‘how-to’ websites and art supplies sites have blogs attached; you might know of them if you’ve done any Internet searches for speciality supplies.Other pages are by independent artists. The ones we liked the most are:The Susan Branch blog takes a fireside chat tone: recalling what drew her to expressing herself through watercolor painting and how every stroke of her paintbrush is a tribute to another famous artist.The Scratchmade Journal likes to infuse tutorials with homey anecdotes and encouragement.Doodlewash is the companion-blog to the Sketching Stuff podcast mentioned above. If you’re unsure about which art supplies you might consider or are looking for inspiration for your next work, this would be a place to look.Naturally, there are more. You only need to ask your favourite search engine for them.YouTubeAgain, we return to th e idea that painting is primarily a visual art. Now, we add the fact that humans are primarily visual learners and come to the conclusion that videos would be a great way to learn how to use watercolour paint.What a torrent of information there is for you, there!We found channels hosted by artists from Italy, Canada, Australia and Japan and the UK. A substantial number of them have millions of subscribers; others have uploaded so many videos that they’ve organised them into playlists so you can follow them in sequence.Some videos are hour-long, professionally edited tutorials and others are mere minutes, detailing a single technique: a lone artist sitting in front of their camera for your benefit.Some of the names you’ve read in this article also have YouTube Channels and, as a bonus, they feature other artists’ channels for you to peruse, in effect forming an online community of watercolor paintings and painters.So, if you have no time for classes and an overwhelming desire t o work with watercolor paints, you now have a few resources to call on.

With Online Physics Tutor - Grasp Concepts At Once

With Online Physics Tutor - Grasp Concepts At Once 0SHARESShare Physics is a Science subject which many students shun in view of its latent difficulty and use of Math knowledge. When you understand the relevance of Physics to our society and its applications in our day today life, you really understand the importance of the subject and try to focus your attention on it with a positive note. All Physics concepts reflect the activities of life one way or the other.  Tutor Pace provides excellent online tutoring services with its Online Physics Tutor to make your learning interesting, interactive and knowledgeable. Why Online Physics Tutor is relevant to the society? In our day today life, in almost all technological innovations, right from latest mobile phones to good old wet grinders, you have the application of Physics in various forms. Without the theories of Sound, Light and Speed as expounded by Physicians, the comfortable life we live today is unimaginable. Physics helps us explore the territories of Nature with an adventurous spirit and pick out its best features for our utility. How to learn Physics? Physics learning is considered as a mind-blowing exercise, since it deals with aspects that expect very keen concentration and intellectual analysis on our part. That is why the subject is viewed as dry and as a possession of those who are serious minded in their learning. Actually, Physics can be learn with interest, once you get into its true spirit through innovative learning methods, hands on experience and practical approaches. It depends upon the person who teaches you the subject. Online tutoring is the most desirable kind of tutoring for Physics for the reason that it brings forth methods that are interactive and thus make you learn even the difficult topics with ease and fun. Tutor Pace is one such tutoring site with a panel of Online Physics Tutor who help you learn Physics in its depth with easy to understand methods. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Understanding English Spoken in India

Understanding English Spoken in India Its an interesting time for English, and languages in general. English is the most spoken language in the world. Although there are more native speakers of both Mandarin Chinese and Spanish, there are enough people speaking English as a second language to put us as the most spoken language.In fact, it is believed that English will soon become the first language spoken by more non-native speakers than native speakers. What does it mean for the future of a language when native speakers no longer dominate it? For one thing, I think we will have to accept, like it or not, that English will have many more dialects.One place where English is widely spoken as a second language is India. It is, when non-native speakers are counted, the second largest population of English speakers. But frankly, even native English speakers can have difficulties understanding an English speaker from India.Lately many of my students, especially those that work in IT, have been asking me what they can do to und erstand English speakers from India better. Trying to help my students, I came across this podcast, Indicast.Indicast produces interesting podcasts and videos in English, but mostly with speakers from India. Its a great way to practice your English listening skills and your ability to understand English speakers from India. I hope it helps!

Help Your Child Work On A Group Project - TutorNerds

Help Your Child Work On A Group Project - TutorNerds 4 ways to help your child work on a group project Kids of all ages will need to work as part of a group at some point in their education. These projects are valuable because they help students learn how to cooperate, compromise, and achieve success while working with other students they dont know. This skill helps students get along with each other and share ideas at their current level, but it also helps prepare them for a future in any career field where they will need to work with others. Unfortunately, many students dread the group project experience because they dont like working with certain classmates or they dont know how to get everything done in a way that allows everybody to contribute equally. There are some things kids can do to make their group project experience a positive one our private Costa Mesa academic tutors are here to help your kids succeed. 1. Organize ahead of time Group projects are significantly easier if students get together to organize what each student will do and make sure they have enough time to finish before the due date. It can be a challenge to get each student together in person so it might be a good idea for each member of the group to spend a little bit of time together at lunch or right after school so they can figure out how theyre going to complete the project. Students should make sure to bring any research materials they need to the group session as well as their laptop, tablet or paper pencil so they can take notes while they study. 2. Utilize digital technology One of the biggest complaints about group projects is that its nearly impossible to get every member of the group together at the same time in the same place. Each student has a different after-school schedule and may or may not be available at a specific time. If this is the case, students should utilize everything that digital technology has to offer these days. They can meet online using any number of communication apps and talk to each other in real time. Students can also share notes or research ideas with each other in a digital environment, so they dont have to wait until their next study group meeting to share materials (READ: 4 Ways to Help Elementary-Age Kids With Their Homework). 3. Try to be fair to everyone Its also important to make an effort to be fair to everyone when it comes to assigning different tasks. No one individual student should be doing all the work; it is a group project after all. However, it often seems like one or two members of the group get stuck with more responsibility, so its important to break up tasks evenly but also give every member of the group enough time to complete their part of the project. Every student has a different schedule, different learning styles, and different after-school responsibilities so some will need more time than others to complete their assignment. 4. Focus on each students strengths and weaknesses Its also a great idea for students to focus on their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to doing well on a group project. For example, if one student has excellent handwriting and is good at taking notes they can write down all the important things that happened during the session. If another student is great at speed-reading, they might do a lot of the initial research to present ideas to the group. Each student will have something they need to improve about their study habits that they can focus on as an individual, but group projects are about learning how to work together, share ideas, and get along with students who arent in their immediate social circle. In addition to these tips, help your child succeed on a group project with the help of a private Costa Mesa tutor from TutorNerds. Get a free Costa Mesa tutoring session when you refer a friend to TutorNerds. Contact us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Fake University Certificates - Tutor Hunt Blog

Fake University Certificates Fake University Certificates Fake University CertificatesUniversitiesAs printing techniques have improved over the years university certificates have come to resemble banknotes in the sophistication of their design. Embedded holograms, watermarked paper, and extremely detailed graphical designs are just a few of the techniques used to hamper efforts to counterfeit these documents. Many certificates are now made of polymers, and printed using special inks, making them even more difficult to copy. Ten years ago the price of printers that could produce the features seen on university certificates was prohibitively high - certainly in the tens of thousands of pounds. This meant only accredited education boards, who of course could be guaranteed a high demand for printing certificates every year, could afford the purchase price and running costs of these machines. Within the last ten years though the cost of printing has dropped dramatically. Many people can now afford a colour printer that can produce photographs of a quality that, until fairly recently, could only be found at a high street printing shop. The drop in price of sophisticated colour printers has been a catalyst for the counterfeit certificate business. For a modest outlay they can now acquire a machine that can replicate all the features on a modern university document. The advent of the internet has of course helped them, as it has so many other companies. The cost of setting up a website is minimal, and they can simply let customers find them, without having to advertise. Printing fraudulent university documents may sound like a negligible act compared to other forms of illicit imitation, such as counterfeiting money, but the authorities take the crime extremely seriously. In June 2015 a major crackdown was launched, which has recently led to more than forty websites selling these bogus certificates being shut down. Unfortunately these nefarious sites are like the many headed hydra, with numerous other springing up for every one shut down. To make matters worse the problem is more complex than companies simply selling fake documents - there are numerous websites masquerading as the official web domains of well known universities. These sites will claim to offer `Distance Learning,` modelling themselves on the open university platform, where students will be sent documentation and media to enable them to acquire an UK validated Degree wherever they are in the world. Of course no such service is offered, and once a hapless victim has paid their fee - often in the thousands of pounds - they may not even be lucky enough to receive a counterfeit certificate. These sites usually work by having a similar domain name to a genuine university web site, misleading people into thinking they are viewing the authentic page of a university. These fake sites are usually extremely well designed, and it would take an a perspicacious observer to notice that they are not actually affiliated with the university that they claim to be. `There was a bogus provider shut down by us a couple of months ago calling itself Surrey University, and we`ve had `Wolverhamton university` without the `p` in the middle,` said Jayne Rowley, the higher education services director at Prospects, a company which runs the HEDD, (Higher Education Degree Datacheck) which was set up in 1990 to combat higher education fraud. Jane Rowley has cited the danger of `Twitter Selfies,` where proud students pose with their university certificate, making the image public on their twitter feed. This innocent act helps promulgate the latest certificates, meaning fraudsters will have access to a treasure trove of high resolution images of the most up to date qualifications.`If someone wants to copy the certificate, they will be able to tell what colour the certificate is, what it looks like, the Vice Chancellor`s signature and so on. In the summer we spent a lot of time contacting universities to tell students not to pose with their certificates and then put the pictures of social media,` said Jane Rowley. Many of the companies selling these counterfeit certificates claim they are for `novelty purposes, or as a replacement for lost diplomas.` To a graduate leaving university with thousands of pounds worth of debt, it must be infuriating to think a debt free charlatan could poach a job they are applying for with fraudulent qualifications. Oscar Wilde described a cynic as `a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.` In our increasingly acquisitive society, it may be cynical to state that the price of university education can be too high for many to afford; but for those who seek to purchase these false accolades, its value has certainly never been lower. 3 years ago0Add a Comment

Irvine Tutoring Tips 5 Tips For Coping With Summer Stress

Irvine Tutoring Tips 5 Tips For Coping With Summer Stress Coping with summer stress: 5 tips to success School is out, and summer is here; students are thrilled to have a break from school. Oddly enough, summer can be a little bit stressful despite the fact that students dont have to deal with homework assignments or tests and quizzes. This long stretch of time can be spent many ways, some of which are more enjoyable and productive than others. When students start to stress out about going back to school in the fall or dealing with summer activities they miss out on all of the benefits of rest, which can help them thrive through the next school year make summer studying less stressful with the help or private Irvine summer tutoring. 1.   Summer camp Summer camp is a great opportunity for kids to get out of the house and enjoy one of their favorite activities. Perhaps they are enjoying soccer or baseball outside in the sunshine, or maybe they are interested in engineering and technology. Summer camp also allows kids to socialize with others outside of their normal circle and allows parents to do what they need to during the day. Some summer camps even offer a split between academics and extracurricular activities that will help kids get up to grade level while still having fun (READ: Irvine Tutor Tips: Ways to Work on Writing This Summer). 2.   Supplemental education Although kids might not immediately think of supplemental education when they think of summer, its a great time to get caught up or get ahead. During the school year, students have to deal with four different subjects all at once and so that one challenging topic tends to keep them struggling. On the other hand, summer offers an opportunity for students to sit down with a one-on-one tutor in the relaxed environment of their home and conquer their most challenging subject. 3.   College prep Summer is also a great time for college prep students to organize their applications, study for college entrance exams, and work with a counselor. Its almost impossible for students to do all of these tasks during the academic year and still have a moment to themselves. Working on this during the summer can eliminate a lot of stress and uncertainty about what the college prep process will entail and which colleges a student has a good shot of being accepted to. 4.   Community service Another great thing for students to participate in during the summer is community service. If students are too old to attend summer camp but still need a little bit of structure, there are tons of opportunities for them to add to their community and gain some volunteer experience. Kids should research and choose a volunteer activity that interests them personally so they can have a little bit of fun while helping out. Students might volunteer at an animal shelter, a local fundraising event, a beach cleanup and so on. 5.   Go beyond the core subjects Another way to beat stress this summer is to allow students to explore subjects they dont get a chance to participate in during the school year. It seems like late August through June is focused on math and English to an intense degree. During the summer students can focus on art, music, sports, social science, history, engineering and so forth. When students get to explore topics, they are interested in they develop and maintain a love of learning that will help them stay curious and ask questions about the world around them. It will also give them a break from the core subjects that, although incredibly important, they will mainly focus on during the year. Have you booked your private Los Angeles summer tutor? Call TutorNerds today and we will match you with an experienced LA summer tutor. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

6 Tips For A Successful Skype Interview - by TutorNerds

6 Tips For A Successful Skype Interview - by TutorNerds 21st-Century Interview Tips: The Skype Interview Not too long ago, the interview process was fairly straightforward and traditional. Somebody sent a resume or called up their connections, they received an email or phone call to interview, attended the interview, and hopefully got the job. Although getting a job was no easier back then, the interview process is more complicated due to the use of modern technology, and many jobseekers are confused as to how to make the best of the 21st-century interview. More and more students are being interviewed via Skype. This makes it easier for a conglomerate or nationally based company to prescreen candidates who do not live in the area. This is also useful for the applicant as they dont have to worry about driving multiple hours to get to an interview or paying for a plane ticket when they might not get the job. However, Skype can become very impersonal very quickly and its important to follow certain procedures to make the Skype interviewing process professional yet friendly (READ: 5 Steps to Acing a Job Interview). 1. Do a mock interview Even though applicants will not be meeting with the HR team in person, its still important that they conduct a traditional mock interview. Its recommended that job seekers and new graduates ask a friend or family member to Skype with them so that they can deal with any technical difficulties that might occur during the real interview. 2. Appearance It has always been true that a person should look their best at an interview; Skype job seekers should still wear professional clothing and wear their hair and makeup in a professional style if it applies to them. They should also provide a neutral background setting that will not take away from their personality. For example, students should not conduct a Skype interview in their dorm room or in a local coffee shop because the noises in the background will be an unwelcome distraction. However, if it’s absolutely necessary to conduct an interview in a dorm room or student apartment, the job seeker should provide some sort of background screen or use a neutral wall. 3. Lighting Bad lighting on Skype can make somebody look 10 years older and overly tired or it can make them seem as though their face is a light bulb. This is something that job seekers of the past didn’t really have to worry about; modern jobseekers should ensure that the lighting is neutral and appropriate for a computer screen. 4. Personality Computers, by nature, are impersonal however, its important for new graduates and job seekers to make sure that their facial expressions and personality can shine through the screen. Students who are used to Skyping with friends and family who live far away are probably familiar with the process. However, students who dont regularly use Skype should start Skyping with a friend every couple of days so that they become used to their natural facial expressions, smile, and professional demeanor (READ: Handy Guide to Your Medical School Admissions Interview). 5. Be prepared Preparation is not unique to a Skype interview, however its very important that interviewees are ready to answer any number of questions in a natural way. There won’t be a real life environment that allows for small talk or to buy them a moment to think of an answer, so its more important than ever to know what questions a potential employer might ask, and how to appropriately and genuinely answer. 6. The thank you note Just because a Skype interview seems more casual, doesnt mean that the ‘thank you’ rule doesnt apply. Although many companies take great lengths to hide their company address â€" to avoid unsolicited mail â€" its very important that the person who interviews and applicant receives a ‘thank you’ of some sort within 24 hours of the interview itself. A handwritten thank you note is always best, but if a postal address is not available a formally written thank you email can be provided (READ: How to Choose a University). In addition to the initial thank you, applicants are advised to call or email the person who interviewed them 3 to 5 days after the interview to ask if they need any more information. Generally, the interviewer doesnt need more information but this is a polite way of reminding them that youre still waiting to hear if you got the job. In short Although the way people are being interviewed is changing, the overall process hasnt changed much in the last two decades. Jobseekers still want to make a great impression, be sincere, discuss what they can provide for the company, and also find out what the company can offer them in return. Good luck, jobseekers! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Finding Tutoring Jobs in GA

Finding Tutoring Jobs in GAMost employers are now giving priority to people who have completed their education, and hence tutoring jobs in GA are also doing well. As an aspiring student, you need to do a bit of research before looking for tutoring services.Gabriel has always been known as the center of excellence in learning. It offers a wide variety of learning options for students who are willing to spend time in order to get the best education. The very first thing that you have to keep in mind is to know which subject is the one that is taught at the most popular schools, such as M.C. University or Davidson College.There are a few common subjects that you will need to prepare for your test prep, such as reading, math, and English. The question papers are only important if you want to score high on your admissions test. This is why you need to decide which subjects you want to learn, and which subjects you need to spend more time in. Make sure you do the prep work required by the school before you apply for the next tutoring job in GA.The most prominent schools in Georgia are Ingersoll-Rand, Mercer University, Luther College, Keifer, and Capella University. These institutions offer their students with very competitive and challenging tests, which will help you get accepted into one of these institutions. You need to look into this in detail, as you do not want to be left out in the qualification race.Now, once you find out which subjects you are comfortable with, it is important to know about the schools in the specific state in which you wish to study. The schools will give you information about the grading system, and you should be able to start searching for the tutoring jobs in GA with confidence. You need to make sure that you apply for the tutoring jobs in GA after consulting the right tutors, who will help you in the best possible way.The tutors should be trained in the area of math, psychology, English, and other special issues that come with the cou rse. The best tutors in Georgia offer their services at affordable rates, so you should get some help from the tutors. They should provide you with all the tools that you need to succeed in your exams, whether you are going to the university or just getting yourself prepared for the test.As a candidate, you should consider a career in teaching in the schools in Georgia, as this is one of the fastest growing careers. You will be able to get hired even if you do not have a degree, because most of the institutions consider people who have a diploma in teaching as good teachers.